Help Baby Kai

Help Baby Kai with his SMA Type 1 Diagnosis


Help Sandymount Hotel Team Fundraise for Baby Kai.

Sandymount Hotel has chosen Kai as our fundraising cause for 2024. We have a very special connection to him – his grandmother worked here. We will be undertaking a number of fundraising activities throughout the year for him.

Kai was born in December 2022, and all seemed perfectly fine until about 5 months in, when he was unable to move this limbs or head as much as he should have been.

Sadly, Kai was diagnosed as having SMA type 1 (spinal muscular atrophy type 1) in mid 2023.

Kai began treatment immediately but a long and difficult journey lies ahead.

Your donation will help assist with:

 Hospital and home visits for physio therapy
 Private physio to complement the hospital provided physio
Speech & language therapy
 Occupational therapy
 Baby kai`s future needs
 Vehicle suitable for wheelchair access
 Hydrotherapy treatments to try to strengthen Kai`s limb and neck movement

Any money raised will be for Kai`s every day needs and to make his life as comfortable as it possibly can be.

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Thank you so much for your donation.

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